توجيه النداء في شعر المناجاة والوعظ للحسن بن علي الهبل (دراسة أسلوبية)


  • ثابت صالح الدعاني




توجيه النداء, أداة النداء, المنادى, الأمر المنادى من أجله


The current research deals with appeal method through studying and analyzing the poetry of soliloquy and preaching to (Habal). It also reveals connotations and touch of allusions to appeal context. The aims are here employed to achieve the descriptive, analytical and  methodical studies. The research depended on the descriptive approach in providing a rhetorical grammatical description for appeal pillars. The researcher used statistics to present the digital data as an essential focus in applied study whereas the analytical approach was established on steering profile. Accordingly, the research was divided into three sections; directing appeal to (God Almighty and its significance, the characters and its significance, and the unreasonable and its significance). Those three sections were preceded by an introduction. The results were distinguished by poet's appeal in light of its structure and semantic characteristics from the rest of other directions, consequently, they were  represented in  proportion and harmony to the nature of direction.

Author Biography

ثابت صالح الدعاني

قسم اللغة العربية، كلية العلوم التطبيقية والإنسانية، جامعة عمران



How to Cite

الدعاني ث. ص. . (2023). توجيه النداء في شعر المناجاة والوعظ للحسن بن علي الهبل (دراسة أسلوبية). Journal of Amran University, 3(6), 30. https://doi.org/10.59145/jaust.v3i6.65